
The Crazy Cure For Menstrual Cramps

You won't believe what might ease your PMS symptoms

PMS  "Premenstrual syndrome" is no fun. At all. (Well, so I've heard. Probably more than most men, as I work at a women's health and lifestyle publication.) Luckily, there's a new drug that could help provide relief—and you've probably already heard of it: Taking Viagra might ease menstrual cramps, according to a new study published in the journal Human Reproduction.

For the study, researchers recruited 25 women suffering from moderate to severe menstrual cramps. Half of them took a 100 mg sildenafil citrate—the main ingredient in Viagra—while the other half took placebos. Interestingly, women were told to take the pills vaginally, with the thinking that putting medication closer to the area where you're experiencing pain might allow the drugs to enter the bloodstream more quickly and get to the blood vessels responsible for cramps sooner, says study author Richard Legro, M.D., a professor in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Pennsylvania State University.

The result? Women who took sildenafil citrate experienced more relief than the placebo group up to four hours after the drug was taken—and no side effects were reported. "We hypothesize that this drug helps relax blood vessels—which flush out substances that cause menstrual pain—faster than other medications," says Legro.

Researchers still need to test the effects of different dosages and intake methods (oral versus vaginal). Until the results of their research are out, you can use these :-

Get on the Floor 
A simple yoga pose like a reclining bound angle will open up the pelvic area to relieve bloating, cramps, and fatigue, says Patricia Walden, author of Yoga for a Healthy Menstrual Cycle. To do: Sit on the floor with a long pillow behind you; the bottom should touch your sacrum and a folded blanket should cover the top. Lie back onto the pillow, resting head on the blanket. Put the soles of your feet together and let knees and thighs fall to the sides. Stay in the pose for 5 to 10 minutes, breathing deeply.

Avoid the Hershey's Diet 
Focus on small meals consisting of both protein and fiber to keep your blood sugar levels even, slow your rate of digestion, and reduce your urge to overeat, says Nadine Taylor, R.D., author of 25 Natural Ways to Relieve PMS. See sample meal plan below.

Pop These Pills 
Ask your doc about tweaking your birth control regimen. In a recent Yale University School of Medicine study, oral contraceptives reduced PMS symptoms by 50 percent in nearly half of the participants using 24 hormone pills and 4 sugar pills. For severe mood swings, consider a class of antidepressants that increase your serotonin levels (like Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil). Taking them just during the second half of your cycle or in a low dosage (which your doctor will have to determine depending on which medication is prescribed) may be sufficient, says Diana Taylor, Ph.D., author of Taking Back the Month.
