
4 Ways to Lower Your Environmental Breast Cancer Risks

Beware these sneaky endocrine disruptors

Certain toxins you're exposed to on a daily basis—in stuff you breathe in, ingest, and slather on—have been linked to breast cancer. Perhaps the most troubling belong to a group of synthetic chemicals called endocrine disruptors. These nasties can accumulate in fat cells—and especially in fatty, vulnerable breast tissue—where they mimic or block the body's own hormones, including estrogen. And while every woman needs estrogen, chronically high circulating levels can spur cancer growth. Cutting down on endocrine disruptor exposure can slash your breast-cancer risk.

Be a conscious consumer. "If you don't know what a chemical ingredient is or does, or if you Google it and still can't understand it, don't buy that product," says Jeanne Rizzo, R.N., of the Breast Cancer Fund. Keep a special eye out for bis-phenol a (BPA), a known endocrine disrupt or used mostly in plastics and the lining of canned foods.

Take inventory of your toiletries. Many lotions, potions, and creams contain preservatives and fragrances made with endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as phthalates, says Julia G. Brody, Ph.D., executive director of the Silent Spring institute. Cross-check your goods on databases such as Silent Spring's Too Close to Home or the Environmental Working group's Skin Deep.

Rethink pesticides. Yes, they're also major endocrine disruptors, says Philip Landrigan, M.D., chairman of preventive medicine at the Mount Sinai hospital in new York. Use baits instead of bug-killer spray. And eat organic when you can; people who do have 90 percent fewer pesticides in their bodies.

Vote. "Tell your elected officials you want better chemical-safety laws," says Brody. Stricter regulations could lead to fewer endocrine disruptors in the things you're around every day.

